Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 1, Part 2: A Whale of a Time

In an unfortunate turn of events, internet is not free in our hotel. Boo! So I will update as frequently as I can escape to a place with internet.

I emerged from the plane, wrestled my giant carry-on bag to the shuttle stand, and met some very nice people headed to the AHA. Statistically, many of the people around me are historians, and I just don’t know it. In the coming days, I hope to meet at least a handful of them.

Jordan and Jen had already arrived in San Diego, and invited me to go whale-watching with them. After scurrying to the hotel, dropping off bags, and zooming off in a taxi to the seaport, I boarded the Hornblower Adventure in search of Pacific Gray Whales, which Californians insist on calling California Gray Whales.

We had a very excellent time. We saw three whales in addition to many Pacific white-sided dolphins, sea lions, cormorants, brown pelicans, and many more seabirds. If I didn’t get to do any more touristy things in San Diego, I would still be content.

We then proceeded to eat delicious barbeque. In the evening, my hotel roommate Sarah arrived, and we went to bed at 10:00. Our bodies are clearly not adjusted to the new time zone. In the morning we’ll have some time to wander around before the conference gets going at 3. Stay tuned!

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